Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Elearning on 10 Sept

Hi Laides,

It's elearning day! Isn't it amazing that all of us are facing the computer and yet learning (rather than playing computer games) and isn't it cool that we can still communicate without looking at one another? :)

In the morning, it was quite chaotic as many of you have lots of problems with asknlearn but I'm glad that they were all solved! Now, I am really busy replying your msn and posting this comment. All of you are flooding my msn! My computer even hung just now because of that too!

Well, I enjoyed myself anyway! How about you?

See all of you in school! Remember to complete all your worksheets that I had distributed on Monday! :)

Missing all of you, Ms Sng


Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Sng,
Its e-learning day and I am enjoying myself!
I am feeling really sorry for your computer hunging down.

From your student:Faleha

Anonymous said...

hi Ms Sng i'm having a great time but missing you.............

Unknown said...

Hi Ms Sng, I faced a few problems during the e-learning this morning and almost cried. Luckily my mum helped me. However, I still have fun. I have a suggestion for our blog. Shall we post our class picture so that our pretty faces can be seen there? Grace Lim Zhi Qi

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Sng,

I really like to chat with you!!!

With big(and I mean BIG)grins,


Maggie said...

Hi Ms Sng,

I enjoyed myself during e-learning even though I'm having trouble with some things.


Mrs Phee said...

Hi Grace,

It's a great idea to post our beautiful photo up here!
I'll see to that...

Love, Ms Sng

Anonymous said...

I feel that my results for SA2 was not really good.I think that i should and will work hard for P5 next year!!:D I can't wait for the coming holidays!!!:D I hope that i will go to P5 charity with ALL my friends!!!:D Hope u will be our form teacher! :D


Anonymous said...

Dearest Ms Eunice Sng I am Aunty Chan from P4 Joy=D

Thank u Ms Sng for helping me 2 improve my Maths!!!!=D
U r really a very gd teacher in the whole world!!!!!:D It is pleasure 2 know u!!!!Also is really really a Joy 2 have u as my Form Teacher!!!!:D
Ms Sng i will really really Love u 4ever!!!!!(As Teachership)Actually i really 1 2 go P5 Charity so that there is more chances for u 2 teach me!!!!Ms Sng actually i long time already 1 2 tell u something do u actually like me 2 be in your class?????Oh ya u have not tell me where r u going 2 celebrate your wedding!!!!

Love Always,
Aunty Chan