Tuesday, October 21, 2008

SA2 is just round the corner!

Hi Ladies,

It has been a long time since I posted. I was very busy these weeks...marking your work and corrections and setting all the class tests for all of you. I hope you do enjoy the class tests that I had specially prepared just for you! They serve as revisions for you, help you to identify your weaker areas and also help you to evaluate your understanding of the major topics! I hope you are not too stressed out by them :)

Your SA2 begins this week and I believe all of you had revised during the long break while the teachers were busy marking the PSLE papers. Do remember to take a break in between your revisions!

Study hard and all the best! See all of you in school tomorrow!

Miss all of you, Ms Sng


Anonymous said...

HELLO:)miss sng.i got my marks back!!!!!i am elated:)
i love my marks!!!!!!iimproved

Cat Tom said...

Sa2 is around the corner! BUtttttttttt..... Its Ok I wish I attain the target you have gave me! Ok Bye! Got to go!

Cat Tom said...

Hi Ms Sng,
I got 81.5 for my English!
My mother is sooo proud of me!

Anonymous said...

hi Ms Sng,
it has been so long since i posted. i studied enough....and now exams are over..Yahoooooo!
-Vanitaa Rai

Cat Tom said...

hey ms sng,
i feel sooooo sore today! i have got good marks for my sa2! my parents are sooo proud of me!
from,sore faleha

Mrs Phee said...

Hi Darnelle,

Great to receive this good news of yours! You must have work really hard for such an improvement! Did you improve for all your subjects? I remmeber you doing very well for your English when you were in P3. So now, how?

Love, Ms Sng

Mrs Phee said...

Hi Faleha!

Congratulations for your English result! You have met yours and my target for you! I'm proud of you too! Do continue to keep up with the good work!

:) Ms Sng

Cat Tom said...

Thank you! I will keep it up!

Anonymous said...

erm...got report books already.
but for sa2 itself.my english,band1
my maths,band1,my science band 2
my chinese dunno what band.:]

Anonymous said...

this is the real comment:
i miss darnelle
thats it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Sng! I got good marks for my Sa2! I have improved a lot! This coming holidays I may go to Malaysia or India! I am very eager to it! You know something I have not gone overseas for 4 years! So thats why I am soo eager to it! I want to go to 5 charity! I want Tooo!!! Please! or my mother will punish me! Soo sad!

From your student,

Anonymous said...

Ms Sng you said that the SA2 is around the corner but now the holida is around the corner. i am going to miss my friends and you. Do you know that today you look extra beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

yo ms sng!all exams are over only for this year of course!lol!btw ms sng,i got band 3 for my maths.i got 61 for maths.i am so sad bout it.sobs!:-(i am so happy bout my science ,english and tamil marks.english:80.5 science:73 and last but not least tamil:72.btw i am not going anywhr during the school holidays!lol!haha!i hpoe that i go to 5 charity next year!wish me luck!alright then.gtg.bb!cya!:-)

Unknown said...

i am going back during school holidays,it will be very fun.eat ,training and play a lot,sleep but not most of the time(sleep is wasting time,use the time to play better!!!ha ha!!!)
wish you can be my form teacher next year!!!


Anonymous said...

Next year i hope i can go 5
charity!Funnily yours,shian.

Anonymous said...

Hello, Ms Sng! This is Yi Ci. I think I improved a lot from this exam. :) IMPROVED!!~~ YAY~

Anonymous said...

Hello Ms Sng!My SA2 marks has improve and deprove.

Anonymous said...

miss sng you look beautiful everyday!THIS IS CONSTRUCTIVE

Anonymous said...

hi ms Sng.i am very happy and sad too.do you know why?i miss you and my friends so i am sad.i am going to India and Malaysia and see my cousins so i am happy.i feel happy as i get no band 3s.i wish you to teach me next year.

AS noorul said you iook extra beautiful today.

from your student,madhumitha

Anonymous said...

hahahaha.miss sng email me can