Monday, September 8, 2008

September Holidays!

Hi Ladies,

Welcome back! Hope you had enjoyed yourself during the short break. Term 4 has started and it will definitely be a very busy one!

What have you done during the holidays?

:) Ms Sng


Cute Rabbit said...

I have been doing homework
and watching TV Ms Sng.than I had been playing computer games about
4 hours a day.

From:Noorul Farzna

Mrs Phee said...

Hi Noorul,

It seems like you are really enjoying yourself! Watching TV and playing computer games... I hope you won't be doing all those when school reopens! By the way, did you manage to complete all your homework?

Love, MS Sng

Anonymous said...


cutycaty said...

dea ms Sng,

my september holiday was full of tv.sunday last day i went for cycle riding.
fromk ponmani

Anonymous said...

I did assesment books , pass year papers and also did excercise and play.

Anonymous said...

I have been studying,doing homework,playing computer,watching Tv and reading.I really like holidays and i have enjoyed myself

Maggie said...

Hi Ms Sng!

During the holidays, I watched TV,do homework and SLEEP!!!

Maggie =)

Unknown said...

Dear ms Sng ,

i have been doing homework and playing computer games for the term 4 holidays.I liked Tuesdays the most because i went to school for maths aculator Workshop.The trainers gave me and my friends each a caculator.I learnt may things from the caculator.I remember you telling us that in P5 , we will be needing it.I hope to learn more.

You Regards,Jolyn Ong

Elysia said...

i went to batam,itwas very fun!
before we went to batam,it was a sudden choice!
me & my mum went there as i had finnished my hm wrk!

Glad to talk to u!
love Elysia

Anonymous said...

I ate,watched tv,ate and watched tv!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been doing my homework and watching tv.Then I have also been playing computer games almost everyday.About 6-8 hours a day.:D


Prashanthi said...

Dear Ms Sng,

I watched tv,ate ice cream,watched tv, and ate chocolate!!!


Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Sng,

the asknlearn activity was fun.It was very nice>I wish I had my e-learning everyday but i know that I can't.But I really enjoyed myself that one day which was our e-learning day.
I hope that we will have e-learning again!!!


Anonymous said...

During the september holidays,i mus go to sch everyday for CCA thats why i only can study during the afternoon.I am feeling so tired!!!!

Anonymous said...

Dear Ms Sng,
I did a revision,homework and went to Hong Kong. What such a great holiday! I Hope you had a great one too

Cat Tom said...

Dear Ms Sng,

I did my homework
did some practice and play too!
I cant watch TV because during the fasting month we cant watch TV. So bad! fortunately I can use the computer and I chatted with my friends!Espiacally, Sobiya and madhu! Did you enjoy your September holidays?
From your student: Faleha D/O Mohamed Rafi

Cat Tom said...

I have been doing my homework and some practices!
From your student:Faleha

Anonymous said...

I went to my cousins' house.I also did my homework....I had a fun time.In fact,I manage to learn cycling on a two wheel bicycle in just two days, I drop once fine.I went weeeeeeeeeeee!!!
How about you, did you had a great time?

Anonymous said...

I have been doing my homework and some practices

From your student:Faleha

Unknown said...

Hi Ms Sng!

I studied for 2hours everyday but I did not learn a lot of things.

Yours Truly,

Unknown said...

i am jiaqi(boyboy猪)!!i played ,do homeworks during the hoildays ,so many homeworks!!!555555555555555555555!!!and still have band!!!
i liked the p4 e-learning ,very fun but i don`t liked Ms Sng asked me the difficult question!!!!55555555!!!哈哈!!


sumina said...

my sep holiday was not so fun as yours.i went shopping with my guardain and quarraling with my guardains daughter.theres nothing so special about my 1 week holiday.


Anonymous said...

i havedone the same things as noorul!

Anonymous said...

i do nothing but sleep,eat,play.

Anonymous said...

i did my homework and watch t.v.


Anonymous said...

I have been watching television and doing my homework.I went cycling on Sunday with my father's friend.Best of all, I have no classes!

sumina said...

i did not enjoy myself so much during the september.i just went shopping for once or twice and thats was not so fun.i wish to have a better september holiday.

regards:sumina(4 joy)

Unknown said...

Hi ms Sng,
i have enjoyed my holiday!!!!!!!!!On Tues,Thus and friday.On Monday,I stayed at home and do nothing.On Wednesday,I went out with my mom.Phew!!!!It was a tiring day!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello ms Sng
I have been doing my homework & play computer games.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ms Sng,

I've have been doing what Noorul did....except for computer games!


Anonymous said...

I have been doing my homeworks,studying and playing computer game for 2 hours a day.

Unknown said...

Hi Ms Sng,

I went to the Escape Theme Park in Pasir Ris and had lots of fun with my daddy and sister. My cousin, Dawn came to my house for a sleep over and we also went for a movie show -Wall-E. The show was great!